PRSIST Formative Assessment

Intentional teaching strategies are important for the development of self-regulation. Intentional teaching depends on effective assessment. To best support children’s emerging self-regulation we need to develop a better understanding of where children are up to. Think of the child who is able to direct their attention and responds to requests, but dissolves into tears when things don’t go according to plan. Understanding more about children’s self-regulatory capabilities is an important first step in providing rich learning environments.

But what are the important self-regulatory behaviours to look for? How do you know whether a child is progressing, and how do you then provide experiences that are matched to their current abilities? Understanding where a child is up to is an important first step in providing appropriate environments and experiences that will continue to support and extend that child’s development.

As a means of assessment for learning, we use good old-fashioned observation of children, but with a twist. Alongside this observation, we have created a PRSIST formative assessment tool to help structure your observations and provide actionable information. This approach provides the benefit of capturing real-world self-regulation in everyday situations, while also detecting changes that we know occur with increasing age. Below you will find a link to complete the training module to use this assessment to accurately and consistently capture children’s self-regulatory development. Note that it will take around 45 minutes to complete, so make sure you have enough time available when commencing the training.

Once complete, you can also download a copy of the PRSIST formative assessment tool here. An iPad version of the tool is forthcoming, as part of the suite of Early Years Toolbox apps. A full description of the PRSIST activities can be found here.